EOL products in Supermicro 11.10.2024

| Supermicro - EOL

EOL products in Supermicro 11.10.2024

Date of Current Price List 2024-10-11

L.p. Nazwa Data cennika **
1 HDS-X2A-XS3200LE70045 2024-10-07
2 HDS-X2A-XS6400LE70045 2024-10-07
3 P4X-DPE52618LV4-SR2PE 2024-10-07
4 P4X-DPE52620V4-SR2R6 2024-10-07
5 P4X-DPE52640V4-SR2NZ 2024-10-07
6 P4X-DPE52680V4-SR2N7 2024-10-07
7 P4X-DPE52695V4-SR2J1 2024-10-07

* - Products that were in the Supermicro price list but were not included in the latest version and are not in stock.
** - The last date of the Supermicro price list in which the product was included.

Related pages:

  1. EOL products in Supermicro 20.08.2024
  2. EOL products in Supermicro 24.07.2024
  3. EOL products in Supermicro 26.05.2024
  4. EOL products in Supermicro 17.05.2024