"Phoronix Test Suite - a platform for benchmark testing."

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Phoronix Test Suite is a comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, macOS, Windows and BSD operating systems. It allows you to run tests in a fully automated manner: from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are easily reproducible, easy to use and maintain. Phoronix Test Suite is open-source software under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners. Version 1.0 of Phoronix Test Suite was released in 2008.

The client of Phoronix Test Suite is a testing platform that provides seamless execution of test profiles and test suites. By default, it offers access to over 600 tests, grouped into seven categories (System, Processor, Graphics, Disk, Memory, Network, OS). These tests are readily available through integration with OpenBenchmarking.org. Among the default test profiles, there is a range of subsystems and hardware that can be tested, from mobile devices to desktop computers and workstations/servers.

New tests can be easily introduced using the extensible architecture of the Phoronix Test Suite, with test profiles composed of XML files and shell scripts. Test profiles can produce quantitative or other qualitative/abstract results, such as image quality comparisons and pass/fail indications for a test. Utilizing Phoronix Test Suite modules, additional data can also be automatically collected during execution, such as system power consumption, disk usage, and other software/hardware sensors. Test suites include references to test profiles to be executed within the suite or can refer to other test suites as well. Test suites are defined using an XML schema.

Running the Phoronix Test Suite for the first time is as simple as issuing a command, such as "phoronix-test-suite benchmark c-ray," which will install a straightforward processor test, execute the test, and report and display the results. Detailed hardware/software information, relevant system logs, and other crucial system attributes, such as compiler flags and system status, are collected along with the results. Users can optionally and anonymously submit their results to OpenBenchmarking.org to share their findings with others, compare results with other systems, and conduct further analysis.

"Installation on Linux:"


wget http://phoronix-test-suite.com/releases/repo/pts.debian/files/phoronix-test-suite_10.6.1_all.deb


php-cli | php5-cli, php5-cli | php-xml

sudo dpkg -i phoronix-test-suite_10.6.1_all.deb

sudo apt-get -f install

During the first launch, the program asks for accepting the license and providing consent to collect anonymous test statistics and test configuration data (giving consent is optional). Before running a test, the application inquires whether to save the test result. You need to provide a file name, a unique test name, and accept the default description or create your own. After the test is completed, the program asks whether to publish the test and share the results of commands (lshw):"

phoronix-test-suite start-result-viewer

Access through a web browser at http://localhost:portnumber, for example. http://localhost:8568

f someone wants easy access to test selection, test suites, displaying hardware or system information, and showing available sensors, they can run the interactive mode:

phoronix-test-suite interactive

Running a test:

phoronix-test-suite benchmark pts/c-ray

Test information:

phoronix-test-suite info pts/c-ray

List of installed tests:

phoronix-test-suite list-installed-tests

Test search:

phoronix-test-suite search

List of all tests:

phoronix-test-suite list-all-tests

Related pages:

  1. Test platform Supermicro NVMe 1029U-TN10RT + Intel Virtual RAID on CPU (VROC)
  2. Linux Tools - dd